#Tuesday | #MayFifthTwentyFourteen |
#ElevenOhFourPM | Avon, Colorado
In Order of Introduction within Book aka #Pitchography
Favorite Album
Currently Listening To
(Album & Song)
#DreamToMakeBelievE | #SlipLikeSpace
It is always interesting that the #MGs must have known to start with this song, for this particular band. This song #SlipLikeSpace reminds me of #DonnieDarko, mainly just, because of the end of the song he talked about #IllBeInAWormHoleSoon in the lyrics and that song, that movie are phenomenal. It fits perfectly, because one of my best friends Brenton told me about these guys, we also, watched #DonnieDarko together for the second time and stayed up until the #WeeHoursOfTheMorning. Talking and talking about how that movie #BlewOurFuckingMinds and it still does when I talk to people about the movie.
We would always try to figure out lyrics, because well #BackInTheDay they did not really put the lyrics in the album cover, unless they were a #PrettyDecentFundedLabelBackedArtist, and there were not really #LyricalSites. So … you just had to go off what you heard, and #Listen #Listen #Listen #Listen #Listen #Listen over and over again on some songs.We did not have to for this particular song but, we as did this a lot. It was pretty funny the things that your mind creates or makes up. Hmm … probably why I always doing #MOT.
#ArmorForSleeps #WhatToDoWhenYouAreDead has a #SpecialPlaceInMyHeartAndSoul, as honestly one of my most favorite albums and probably most favorite #ConceptAlbum by ANY artist.
By #ConceptAlbum, I mean they take one idea and run everything around it! Their #AlbumCover #TheirBooklets #Instruments and especially #TheirLyrics #YesItsHitMeSoHardPersonallyIveCried #ItTellsAStory #ItsABeautifullyConstructedInstrumentalWrittenAlbum.
It was one of those albums that hit you so hard that you'd write #Highschool #College couple papers about for school. It was so wonderfully put together, I could make it relate to a broad spectrum of subjects. I will elaborate on that a later on.
Midtøwn | Armør før Sleep |
Yøur Enemies Friends | Emanuel
#TheBottleNeck #LawrenceKansas
#ArmorForSleep #MyTown #YTC #8160
#MyTown was one of the first songs that I heard from #AFS.
I remember hearing it the first time, which my homie, Brenton had shown me. I was like man, I love their singers voice, the band, yes! #iLoveThem. Plus, the song was very catchy.
This is what I remember from the concert. #AWESOME for some particular reasons which, I will let you know.
Well, we rocked the #Fuck outta that dance floor. #LikeABoss. Brenton, and I would usually always wait after to see if we could talk to the band or at least get #Autographs #CheckMyInstagramBitches #LiquideAir & #LiquideSessions
As we were waiting we were talking after the set to just whoever was there. I remember telling these guys, “Did you guys love how Ben screamed in a couple of his songs”? Then go on, and on, about how I wish he would have done that on the album!
This girl then came over and was like so you like that huh? “Yeah, we do” I said. She said hey come over here. We then proceeded to the back exit door which, then lead to an alley on the backside of the venue. On, the way back she told us that Ben was screaming a little bit because, he was drunk. He just turned 21, and this was his first stop on tour where he could #ReallyDrink. I then said, “Shit he should get drunk every fucking night then!” She laughed.
We then saw the exit door opened up toward the back alley, and #AnthonyDilonno #Bassist, was there pushing an amp up to the back of their #WhiteVan. I then proceeded with out introduction and helped him lift it into the back. Then, I was like hey I'm Devin. He then said thanks, I'm #Anthony.
We then just #ShotTheShit #AskedAboutNewMusicObviously #HelpedLoadMoreItemsIntoVan. The rest of the band then came out, and we told them what an awesome set it was, and #Ben was hilarious.
Boys Night Out | Armor for Sleep |
Chiodos | Action Reaction
#GranadaTheatre #Lawrence,
*Source: LambGoat.com
#SideNote :::
This concert was phenomenal! Oh man, #Chiodos fucking brought it. I remember going nuts during their show, #CraigOwens damn, he is just, amazing live. His #voice, man he has such a great range. #Skipping2ModernDay #RIPDRUGS #ChiodosNewAlbumIsBadAss #iSawThemOnThisLastTour
Here is a pic of my #Chiodos shirt at the show with #AFS.
Obviously not at the show. #iHadHairBackThen
#iUsedAStraightnerYesAsYouCanSee #iDontKnowWhyILookSoThuglol
The shirt wasn't the coolest thing there, I, usually would not consider it that cool,
but I thought it was.
#BackToAFS. The Song, which back then was a pretty #RareDemo. I just happened to be on #AFS website, and I saw they released this #bSideSong through it. It was free, so I downloaded it. I fell in love, man the chorus, everything was amazing. #I have searched #AlternativePress and #Google and could not find a link showing me where I obtained this song on their website.
Well, the song today is known as, #TheWayOutIsBroken. I honestly, remember going #FuckingApeShit, when he was like we have a new song for you. I was #THE only one singing along to it, so much that #Ben looked at me and was shocked I knew it in the middle of their song #MB, so much that he came up to me after the show and was like dude, how did you hear about that song? I said I saw it online, on your website. He then said, dude that was like up for like maybe #ThirtyMinutes and then we took it down. #DamnDidIFeelSpecial. I told Ben, I thought the chorus said... #IWasAlwaysDestinedToBe #DreamingToFallInLove #DreamingToFallInLoveWithAWoman #BelieveMeItWorks. He just laughed and then I #Fanboyed for a lil bit about our previous encounter. Its funny how your mind envisions lyrics that are #WayOut, especially when they aren't available anywhere.
Saosin /|\ The Bled
Armor For Sleep
#FebruaryTwelfthTwoThousandEight #InTheVenue #SaltLakeCityUtah
Soooo, I barely have any recollection of this concert … I just know the girl, I was seeing did a crazy flip and her shoe came off and we couldn't find it, and she had to walk with one shoe on back to the car lol. And that I got this shirt, that this girl probably jacked it from me, because I can't find it! #SadAF
Armør før Sleep
autømatic løve letter
#WednesdayMarchTwentySixthTwoThousandEight | #TheMusicianSchool | #AmericanForKUtah
*Source: Last FM
This show I went to with #AGirl #SaidLikeKyleInRoadTrip . It was cool, because she knew about #AFS as well, #AlwaysAHugePlus. So we were dating but, we didn't have the title. More or less, I didn't want the title for some stupid reason, I was not seeing anyone else. #SorryGirlsWereStupidAtTimes.
Well, we went to the school, I remember, I was possibly wanting to go there, but was already #Screwed #Fucked with #CollegeLoanDebt and guess what, I still am. I was wanting to study #Voice if they had a decent program, or #Guitar slash #Piano.
We get up to the top of the school and its like a small recording studio on the right and then the stage area on the left, then #GA #GeneralAdmission standing area.
We heard a couple of bands that opened for them, one of them was really good at #ShreddingTheShitOuttaHisGuitar #DecentVoiceToo , I also remember, now seeing that singer at #JackNJillsAFBowlingAlley. #DamnFlashBackForASec. We were bowling with some friends and he was on the right, decent bowling, longer hair reminded me of the #GuitaristAndBassistFromMCRMixed, and that was when I talked to him and asked him who this band that was playing and it was #VictimEffect and I fell in Love with them, then was sad to hear they broke up. He then was sorta shocked I didn't know who the fuck they were. Then, I was like yo, I didn't grow up here son, I grew up in KC mmmaannn. You know gangsta shit :) It was always weird that friends in Utah always forgot I didn't grow up in #Utah #ThankfulForThatTho lol.
So they come on
and they started off with
:::Car Underwater:::
We are right upfront in the middle. #Touchable to anyone in the band, actually the #Bassist #Anthony hit me twice on accident, because he was going crazy. In fact, right before they started #CarUnderwater #Anthony asked #Ben if he could go pee, and he was like dude no the loop already started and #Anthony said, dude its right there, I won't even miss a beat. He left, and he was totally on cue and everybody could hear him sorta peeing as well. The rest of #AFS stop and started the song, because they couldn't hold it together. It was hilarious. They then rocked the song, and #Ben asked when he got back, so ugh.. did you #WashYourHands and he was like Yeah, I did. #Ben was like whatever man, everybody heard you. It made the concert more interesting to say the least, I feel like I bought something there. Oh yah, that #AwesomeTeeShirt that is somehow mysteriously missing. #FunnyHowGirlsDoThat #NNNNNNNOOOTTTtttt #IBlameRachelFromFriends #FrankieSaysRelax #FuckingRossAndRachel
::: SIDENOTE: #AutomaticLoveletter :::
One other thing I remember from that concert was that #AutomaticLoveLetter, who is #JulietSimms #YesSheWasOnTheVoice #SecondPlace. She was very cool. One crazy thing I remember besides being hit by #AnthonyNotOnceButTwice #YahIEvenMovedBackFurtherStillHappenedLOL
Well, she was sang #MakeUpSmearedEyes #WeOnlyMadeoutYouNeverKissedMeThatsHowILearnedHowToHoldBackAllFeeling
It is one of my favorite songs by her. She had great emotion in the song as well as the lyrics told a heartbreaking #EMO song yes, but it was #MyHeartbreak #Mine #Damnit #Mmmiinnee. Even better Live!#WeOnlyMadeoutYouNeverKissedMeThatsHowILearnedHowToHoldBackAllFeelingHer
Her emotion is the guy equivalent to #ChrisCarrabas #DashboardConfessional not so much his first band #FurtherSeemsForever. Especially, the song #Hush. You just wanted to go give her a hug, and let her cry in your arms as someone to be there. Its crazy how you can feel pain in words, but more in #InstrumentalCollaboration
Anyways that song is at #YTC366844. Well the sorta odd and awesome thing was, that during her set, she cut her nail on her #Estring. It ripped was bleeding and mind you, the proximity we were too.
This was about at the beginning of the song, and she kept on playing with blood getting all over her, and her white guitar. It was #CrazyCool and a lil like umm #YeahThatsBlood #ConcentrateOnHerSong not her getting it on you. #WeTookACoupleStepsBack :)
Tidal waves are gonna swallow your town alive
Terrorists are gonna poison all our skies
Bodies are gonna wash up on the beach
Hell is gonna bring your parents to their knees
You escape, I'll stay
I'm so tired of running away
I wanna stay at home for the end of the world
Falling asleep when they're dropping the bomb
This is all a dream
That's what I'll be singing
Armør før Sleep :::
This particular song slowly made it way to #NumberOne fav, on that album. I was going through some #Relationshit, a hashtag I just made up, I think, I've never searched it, well it has 35K posts on insta right now.
When that album was released. I had some “relationship” dilemmas that took that place, back then in OctoberTwoThousandSeven.