Thursday June 19th 2014
11:11 PM MDT | Avon, CO
In Order of Introduction within Book aka #Pitchography
I was introduced to #Lydia through my friend Brenton again. He was #MyMusicGuru.
Once, I was able to become better engrossed in music and entertainment, we had one rule. #DoTellAllMusic #Collaborate.
Speaking of #Collaboration. When that album released #SeptemberTwentySeventhTwentyOhFive. #ConversationalLyrics were big in that scene. #TakingBackSunday would be one the pioneers of this, an example with their release of #TellAllYourFriends in #TwoThousandTwo. #YadaYadaYada Shit went down and #JohnNolan left in #TwoThousandFour, and started #StraylightRun, which some may compare the #Sound #Vocals #Piano to #Lydia #ThisDecemberItsOneMoreAndImFree album.
I would say, valid but, then not at all. #Lydias felt more #Real #Technical #Harmonies #Progressive #DynamicScreaming #DeepShitLyrics #Raw. I was thoroughly impressed, it wasn't an album you would rock crazily out to, but it would #EnlightenYouIntoAMindFuck. #iThinkItSoundsSoGoodToMe #LetItGo < < < #InitiateScream!!!
I remember I was listening to this album, and then #WhenGhostsMakeLoveAgain, at the worst time! It was night time, of course. It scared the shit out of me! I also remember being very impressed with the song #December. #MindyWhites voice sound had an old and new #TimePeriodSound if that makes any sense at all. It was sad to see them part ways, but #ShitHappens.
Favorite Album(s): #All
Random (Album & Song):
#Illuminate #Hospital
Well, I sorta knew this song was going to come on and be the random one, #MGs at it once again.
Well this song, whole album #HitsMePrettyFuckingHard #YepIveShedTearsAtTheirShows.
Main reason, obviously is my #Health. It just took me back to when I was in the #Hospital for #WeeksOnEnd, not knowing what was going on, but having #Faith that things would work out #AllISeeScaresMe #iWakeUpEverydayInThisGødDamnPlace #iHaveAlwaysThoughtOfTheHospitalAsABlessingALearningExperienceAsWellAsTrials
One of the best line in that song is #NoOneKnowsItButShe #SheSavedMe
The way it is sung, the emotion already behind what has previously happened in the song, so quickly... #shit … its just phenomenal.
Another reason, I love that lyric is because, #Lydias #LeightonAtelman basis of his beautifully written lyrics, are such as that. #SHESavedMe #ThenFuckingMessedWithMyHead #BAD. The way he draws his passion for these lyrics are #BeyondMe #EspeciallyLive! #EvenMoreEmøtional
With talking about #HeartBreak, it reminds me of a movie.
#HighFidelity STARRING, #JohnCusack #JackBlack
Saturday, March 13, 2010 at 12:44pm MST & Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 10:46pm MDT
Devin Kay Shashi Christensen updated his status.
...What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music? ...
One last thing about #Hospital, I am a little bias, because one of my other #FavoriteIndieishBands #Copeland #AaronMarsh #LeadSinger collaborated, and #BeautifullySangAsAlways, and then the transition into #Fate … #OhOhOhh-Wee #Eargasm. #DontUnderestimateTransitionsOrFadeInsAndOuts
Now … Lydia, this particular band, #Fuck #WhereDoIStart? Let me put it this way, out the hundreds of #Artists , I have seen Live! #TheyHaveBeenAlbumWorthyEveryConcert. #AlbumWorthy? I mean, they sounded exactly like an album Live!, but with album quality improvisation throughout their sets or Other words #FlawlessVictory. I know granted, I haven't been to some #HugePopSlashRockStars, but even then are they #AutoTuned? #HowManyProducers #DidTheyWriteTheirOwnLyrics?
One thing about pop is #EhIHateToAdmitItSucksButItsCatchyAsHell #GuiltyPleasure #SoSueMe
#LeightonAtelman his voice. He has so much passion #DamnPerfectLiveIsScaryAwesome. Anyone that is fan of this band, and has seen them, #BelieveMe they know.
WOW. #RealLifeShit #RightNow
#ThursdayJuneNineteenthTwentyFourteen #TwelveOhFiveAM #AvonColorado. HOW, HHHHOOOOWWWW I ASK YOU! HOW did I not know about #LeightonAtelman fucking side project band #TheCinema?! UGH #fUCKfUCK! I could have been listening to #TheCinema #MyBloodIsFullOfAirplanes.
This is why you #ResearchKids! I swear he #NEVER mentioned this. Wow, like honestly you should see how crazy #MyMindIsBlown, as well as #MyFuckingEars. Damn, this band is awesome as hell. Okay well, I gotta get back to #Lydia, but know, if this was real life, and you were here, you would wait about an #Hour as this new discovery just happened. #RepeatTwice #InLove.
Ok, wait, alright sorry. My friend JJ, told him that we listen to those few singles. However, I have listened to this album and none of it sounds familiar. Anyways, in my head, right now, it never happened. I would not have attained that feeling of excitement just listening to this as I am right now if I had heard it, I believe. But yeah, I do remember this now. #SeriouslyRepeatAllDay #iWillListenToSomethingTilItsDead then #ReviveItAndGiveItAMemoryBurn.
Sorry, sorta
Whew, alright. So, The album #Illuminate. I feel it was one of those albums that #Honestly #SavedMyLife.
I am not really sure what #Leighton was feeling with this #ParticularAlbum. The lyrics are so intriguing, and makes me wonder who #Hailey was, slash is, and #WTFHappened in these albums writing process, #LoveSadLifeExperience #Lyrics #OverallSound.
One song in particular, struck me pretty hard, just because of the message behind my interpretation of the lyrics, and my own personal life. It was like he was reading my mind. #FuckinTrippy. It was in that song #Hospital.
Well, I have this thing where I make a #DevVersion of a song #MOT. This song was one, once read, that you should be able to understand everything that is going through my head, as I heard the news of #Cytoxan #ChemotherapyAgain. I did not sleep that night as you see that I was up until 5.12AM that day. This song, was one of the first ones I thought of. #GoingBackToTheHospital
I was debating on just how to set this up. I either show you the #DevVersion of the song or go into the story. I feel like you might understand the song a little better with the backstory to how this one happened.
I had only been living in #Utah a little over a year. My parents had previously lived in #BlueSpringsMissouri #NineteenYearsForMe. I had left to go to college in #DenverColorado. #iAttendedThisStealingVideoGameDesignCollege #Lies #Deceit
#BeenFeaturedOnDatelineOrTwentyTwenty #BecauseOfItFuckingOverStudents #SomeStudentsBachelorDegreesWereANinetyTHOUSANDDollarPieceOfPaper #EducationNotAccreditedWhenTheySaidItWas #StuckWithTilTheyDie #WastedAlotOfMoney #ItsAFuckedUpLoanSystem #SorryForMyLittleRant
It was #MondayOctoberTwentiethTwoThousandAndEight. I was living in #LehiUtah at my parents first house off of #AirportDr. I was #TwentyTwo. I was called to go into my #Nephrologist in #SaltLakeCity. It was unusual for my doctor to call me #OutOfTheBlue like that. Plus, it was the #FirstAppointment, my #HealthHistory with that shit has been very unlucky. #LetsJustSayIWasNotExpectingTHATNews … #OhWhenItsAlwaysOnYourMindButYouNeverSpeakOfTheNameItsInYourBloodAndFace
Its #EightThirtyAM. We jumped in my parents #OhSixBlueHyundaiSonata. I usually would fall asleep on the ride there. This time I didn't. I had a bad feeling in my stomach, maybe I was just hungry. #iReallyDontEatBreakfast. We get off on the exit of #FiftyFourSouth #5400So. We pull up into the parking lot. No one is there except the doctors and nurses.
Grab the #DarkBronzeColored door handle for my #Mom, let her in the building first. We hit the elevator button and go up to the #SecondFloor. They had to come open up the door for us as it was locked. #PayCoPay #Sit. #DevinComeOnBack. #VitalSignsWereTaken. We would usually go to the #SecondRoomOnTheLeft. This time we went to the very #LastDoorOnTheRight. Everything was just all #VeryUnusual.
My doctor comes in and he basically says. Well, your labs are not looking well at all. Your creatine level is up to a +16.8. Normal Level #DependingOnBodySize is 0.7 – 1.3. On a #HealthyFunctioningPerson. He then said one of the worst sentences I had to hear. “You might need to do a couple #CytoxanTreatments to see if we can get this down. If that doesn't work you will have to go on Dialysis. In the meantime, I am #UppingYourDose on #CellCept and #Prednisone.
The only thing I heard was #Cytoxan and my #HeartDropped. This could not be happening?! My Life was going so well! #iWasAtTheArtInstituteSLC #CulinarySchool
#CopelandLydiaLoveDrugConcert #ItWasGoingGreat #ManThisReminiscingHealthShitIsNotGoodForMyEyes #TearsDroping #ScarsMakeItRealRight?
I then wrote my version on the song below.
#Lydia #HospitalCover
Devin Kay Shashi Christensen #My Room
#Tuesday #OctoberTwentyFirst #TwentyThousandEight
Song Title:
So I’ve haven’t been sleeping
because of this silence…
that’s always surrounded me….
So I’ve haven’t been sleeping because of this silence… that’s always surrounded me….
Because everything in my life right now scares me… scares me…scares me… #ScaresMe
As the drugs used to help me are slowly, and silently killing me…
Nobody knows it, but it seems like no one can really save me…
So I’ve haven’t been sleeping because of this silence… that’s always surrounded me
I wake up every day in this fucking thing science calls… my body
And I guess this is life…. This is life
Its still not quite the same as it used to be
God, is this what you promised as love?… love?… love?.. to me
To watch the hospital come to life again! Its haunted my nightmares and my dreams
From my prayers to your ears (will this silence ever, ever leave me…)2X
But I guess death has a fast forward standstill point
Is it weird that anticipation is growing as
No one knows for sure whats going to happen
You promised this would never come up again
I’ll never ever leave here… is this the end
I’ll never become a father of my own…
Is this false pretense of love bound to stay?
All I see in my life scares me…
Its still not quite the same as it used to be
God, is this what you promised as love?… love?… love?.. to me
To watch the hospital come to life again! Its haunted my nightmares and my dreams
From my prayers to your ears (will this silence ever, ever leave me…)2X
But I guess death has a fast forward standstill point
#WhewThatWasIntense #ChemoIsNoJokeOnYourBodyPastPresentAndFuture
Yeah, life was going well. I did not have any complaints. I was seeing some of my most #FavoriteBands #NewOnes #TransSiberianOrchestra #TSO #HangingWithFriendsNewAndOld. I had just obtained a great job while finishing up #CulinarySchool #HeadLunchChef #NumberOneProvoRestaurant at the time.
Their concept was pretty cool for the market they were in. It was new #Modern place, the staff. #SoIThought were cool and #DownToEarth. Til I started cussing in the kitchen, but I didn't even drop the #FuckingFBomb. I guess, my language and being upset at stupid questions from servers, because they would NOT study the #FuckingMenu #AHHH! I did not need to put up with this #MinimumWageBullshitNonTrainingStuckInTheirOwnWorldAssholes.
Owners #RichMommyAndDaddy paid to keep him open, his #CostsWereOutOfControl #BathroomsBiggerThanKitchen #WTF. It is annoying how people think if you have a degree in #Business or #Finance you can run a restaurant! Its funny because you have #NoFuckingIdea #ThatsWhyItsATradeSchool. Plus, if you have #NeverWorkedInOne #EspeciallyChefPosition. It has a high probability of failing even after 7 years of being open.
So, the Owner, Head Chef, and Chef II were in this circle of me receiving my final warning, which was my really my #FirstWarning. It was good though, I quit that job, because then another great opportunity at a #CorporateCateringCompany position opened. Had #HealthBenefits #AlmostDoublePay #BetterHours #iWasBlessed.
I did tell him to #WriteThisDown all the things I saw wrong with their operations. The next day their other head dinner chef quit. #Hahaha #iHaveThatKindOfPresence #RealTalkTrendSetterBitch #ItsHappenedMoreThanOnce #PeopleRealizeHowShittyItIsFromSomeoneThatHasntBeenThereLong. #TheyAreClosedNow
So, back to Lydia and this chapter ...
It is interesting how in tune I can be with my body. Weird thing was that I wrote this other song before that previous Lydia one. This one I went back to when I was contemplating #MyLife, and how I was at one of the lowest, and depressed states I had ever been. #LotsOfTearsShedInThisOne.
Devin Christensen
#AugustThird #TwoThousandEight
#MyRoom #Lehi #SixSeventyTwoAirportDrive
#HidingInsideTheHorribleWeather Cover (Current background music)
Song Title:
Hiding A Ray of Light Inside This Horrible Weather
I’ve watched my body slowly self destruct literally, since I’ve turned 16
It’s been pumped radiation and endless drugs
And this life right now, isn’t making it any better
And this so called white light isn’t fazing me
Why I can’t… seem to find… the love and light I swear I knew once
I know it bought me better days, yah… some of the best fucking days
So I’ll keep on praying, until my heart decides to fail
All of these tears and years have finally caught up to me
And I’ll scream it out in this song
Don’t you get it? (screaming)
I’ve made an attempt, to piece it all together
And I’ve found myself in the worlds darkest abyss
Hiding a Gun inside, this horrible weather
As my faithfulness fingers, slowly inch towards its trigger (screaming)
Watch the life of pain and sympathy unfold before my eyes
Right into a tragedy in the making
Watch the reminiscing of my faith, I once had
Crawl through your veins to my hopeless heart
So I’ll keep on screaming
As I know my heart is certain to fail
All of the dreams and love that is slowly dying
And is this time going to be the last time?
Don’t you get it? (Screaming)
This is my last time to piece all this shit together
And I’ve found myself in the worlds darkest abyss
Hiding a lethal weapon inside this horrible weather
As my body inches towards its nightmare
I believe that this is.. my trial in my life (slur 3 times)
For a reason or not, I can’t decide (screaming)
Always so fragile and bound to be broken (screaming)
Always so fucking fragile and its now spoken (screaming)
Don’t you get it?
I’ve made an attempt to piece it all together (Screaming)
And I’ve found myself in the world’s worst Jekyll and Hyde
Hiding a Ray of light inside this horrible weather
As my faithless fingers slowly back away from its demise
#ShouldBeCalled “L” Tøur
#Copeland #Lovedrug #Lydia #Lights
#AvalonTheater #SaltLakeCityUtah
a Little Bit Of A Back Story …
Lydia Survive Van Crash
After Hitting 'HUGE' Deer
BY: djrossstar : From: BuzzNet
Oct 31, 2008
Adding to the list of recent bands who have been involved in accidents while on tour, Lydia survived a van wreck last night in Pennsylvania that was caused by one of nature's most accident-prone animals ... a deer!
"Last night we were fortunate enough to make it out all okay after hitting a HUGE deer on an interstate in PA," keyboardist Mindy White explained in a recent MySpace blog. "It completely shredded our engine but luckily didn't completely total it. We are currently in a rental car on the way to our trailer to grab what we cant fit to head to Chicago. We're going to continue the tour acoustic and ride with the other bands until we can get our can fixed to meet back up with us."
Lydia is currently on a U.S. tour with Copeland, in support of their second full-length, 2008's.
This has not been a good two months for bands and their travels. Just last week, Against Me! was involved in a bus accident on the way to their show in Salt Lake City, Utah. "I woke to the sound of my friends screaming, various expletives, inarticulate gasps, the sensation of spinning, and the sound of crashing inside and outside the bus. My eyes opened to blackness. I immediately pressed my hands and feet into the roof of my bunk as hard as I could, bracing for what I did not know," Tom Gabel explained of the accident in his personal blog. The accident was a result of an ice patch that knocked over the trailer, spilling Against Me! merchandise all over the interstate. Luckily, nobody was hurt!
Just two days before Against Me!'s fiasco, Kill Hannah survived a fire that destroyed their tour bus.
"We wake up to the smell of toxic smoke and the serious tone of our Tour Manager shouting three words you never want to hear: "Bus on Fire," singer Matt Devine explained in a recent statement. "Within seconds, all band members (including support act My Passion), crew and guests were standing shirtless and shoeless on the side of the winding road as the entire 2-floor 45ft bus was fully engulfed in flames. Windows began bursting from the heat and there were several large explosions." Once again, everyone made it out alive.
Also, #TravisBarker of #BlinkOneEightyTwo was in a #HorrificPlaneCrash that killed #FourPeople at the end of September in #ColumbiaSouthCarolina, and almost exactly a year later #DJAM, the only other survivor in that plane crash #Overdosed, #MTv were shooting a reality series called #GoneTooSoon about his #DrugAddiction.
Well needless to say, only #Leighton and #Whitney were determined to continue the rest of the tour by themselves. If I recall they said that #Copeland had been gracious and let them bunk on their #TourBus til their #PrettyMuchTotaledVan was fixed, which was where the rest of the band were during this time.
I bought the album (shown to the right), and I gave them an extra #TwentyDollars to help them out, because they were going to be broke fixing that van. I had apologized to my buddy #JJ, because he did not see them in #AllTheirFuckingGlory #FullBandStyle.
We were both blown away by their #VoicesObviously #MelodicSerenadeMeForeverAcousticSet, they played a lot from #ThisDecemberItsOneMoreAndImFree album. I did not complain. It was #FuckingBeautiful #YouShouldHaveBeenThere.
#TheComplex #SaltLakeCityUtah
This concert. #HolySuckMeSideways. Whoever did the lineup, well it made me #JizzInMyPants. #ThreeOfMyTopFiveFavorite #MelodicGenreArtists. Well sadly it was a fucking horrible year for #Artist & #Accidents.
So, something that was really weird that just happened, was that when I go to look at this specific #FaceBookStatus, it does not show #Online, but it does in the #DownloadedOne. #WeirdShit.
Anyways, I was really sad about this concert. So much so that I did not comment about it a lot. I was upset because, a piece of my #MusicalHeart died, but more because it was a piece of #MyLife. More on the #Health side as you might have noticed. This was their #MyspaceAnnouncement, yeah. #MyspaceBitches.
"I am anxious to say this, in that I do not like disappointing anyone. But I do need to get this off my chest. The new music that is set to come out this July 2010, under the name Lydia, is going to be the last recordings ever put out by the band. We are very grateful to have been able to put out as much music as we have and to reach so many people. I assure you this is not something I’ve decided over a few months, but more so in the past year. This has been something I’ve been thinking about for quite some time now and it’s just the right place and time for me to move on to other things and projects."
In a later interview with #SubStreamMusic, Leighton explained the breakup a little bit more:
"It's quite simple, the two original band members don't want to put out music together anymore. Simple as that." "Right before we went on the farewell tour, about a week before we went, it kind of just came to heads with me and Steve, the two dudes that started the band. And so that was a little bit not what I wanted the band to end like, but shit happens and I’m sure every band has some bad turmoil that happens. Overall, I don’t have any regrets about it at all."
Once, I saw this, I was very sad. I knew it was not a good break. Leading up to this concert, I had moved out of my parents house, to #ProvoUtah. I was not really updating my statuses, as I was driving back and forth from #LehiUtah. #FriendFans were busy.
I had attended this particular concert alone. Which, would not be the first, or the last time. I'm going to some kick ass shows this summer in #ColoradoTwentyFourteen. But yes, everyone should go alone to a concert, once in their life. It will make you branch out, also leave your phone in the car so you have to. I made some new friends they however moved away once I went into #RockinOutFarewellDevStyle, which is usually little a #Destructive and #IShedSomeTears at this one, for sure.
It was a very confusing week musically as #Lydia was disbanding, but #SomethingCorporate was having their #ReunionShow. I have to admit I was more excited about that, because I was bitter ...
^^^ Oh that slumber party? You ask ...
Yes it was fun as hell
#CloudNineAfterSeeingOneOfTheBestReunionShowsOfMYFUCKINGLIFE ;) lol.
#InTheVenue (switched to #ClubSound )
So, I lied. I have only seen them #FourTimes by my #Documentation. I swear I saw them another time at the #AvalonSLC. I also lied a little, not a lot. It was dubbed in the #TopTwoOfSixFavAlbums of that year. It was such a #CrazyAwesomeYear for music. I was blown away. Sneaking into that was #Paramore #ThirtySecondsToMars #Panic!AtTheDisco #TwentyOnePilots #ADayToRemember.
On #MarchNinetenthTwentyThirteen #Lydia released their album #Devil. I was hooked on #KneeDeep from its debut #JanuaryTwentyNinethTwentyThirteen.
Also #LeightonsLyrics #FuckManTheyGetMe plus, the way he is ever so #Subtle on how he does it in his lyrics is #BeyondMe. For me, this is one of those albums that just give you a #MindFuck. #Leighton is very good at doing that. #Yeah
There is so much going on in this song, lyrically. I feel like he is having a #BiPolar episode with his #Gf. Its awesome, because some girls can be #BiPolar, hey I did not say it. I am merely just saying in #PersonalPastRelationships, the future is bright … right? #WeWereJustSittingThere #StonedWatchingTheWaves
Well for this show my friend #Danielle. I had introduced her to #IlluminateAlbum in about #TwentyTen. We were chillin' at her house, and we were talking #Music. We got onto the subject of #Copeland, and then I asked her if she had heard #Lydia, and I sorta #FreakedTheFuckOutOnHer because #HowCouldSheNotKnowThem, but with good reason. See, #Danielle had very good taste in music, and it just shocked me because they had been on a couple tours with #Copeland.
We listened to the album #F2B #FrontToBack #Twice. I explained to her how this particular album was near, and dear to me. It was a great night, I love talking about #MusicNLife.
#SoTellMeWhatKeepsYouUpAtNight #KeepsYouFromClosingYourEyesYeahKeepsYouAlive #Love #HappyMyLoveGotThisAllInMyBlood #IKnowDiffAlbum #PaintItGold #Ghosts.
From then on, I always kept her in the loop of #Lydia. Well, really any band that I felt like she would like, as I do with all my #MusicFriends #HellAnyoneReallyIfTheyWantToListen.
That day #Danielle came over early. I wasn't expecting her to take the whole day off. She arrived at my parents house about Noon. See, she is currently in a band called #SummerLastForever, as the #LeadSinger. She has a great voice and somewhat is comparable to the sound of #HayleyWilliamsofParamore and #TaylorJardineofWeAreTheInCrowd. I have always liked to play around with #GarageBand on my #MacPro. I had recorded a version of #ExitsAndEntrances with myself #SingScreaming and wanted her to do the female voice.
We had never collaborated before, let alone she had never heard me sing before #BesidesCarSinging #WhichIOwn #iAirPlayEveryInstrument. She was excited to hear me sing. I think her exact words were, “Well I #Finally get to hear you fucking sing in a mic”
I though I did a decent job on the #CleanVocals, but she was more impressed on my #Screaming.
As I was getting #CriticD, what happened you say? My mom walks in my room, and asks if we were hungry, which was fine and all but damn mom! Come on! #Danielle, then said, well I wanted to go to #CafeRioAmericanForkUtah. So, we went there and we talked about #SexTheWholeWayThere, it is always an interesting subject that is for sure ;)
We then came back and ate in my room. It was #Awesome, because she bought me the food this time around! She said it was like a #Date for me today. She does not know, but it was actually a #HUGEBlessingInDisguise that #Danielle was treating me to this day, because I was broke!
I currently was on #PeritonealDialysis, and was #Unemployed.We ate and then headed out to the concert. #TalkedMusic #Life #Concerts #Sex #NonStop.
We arrived at the #SummerParkingGarage at #TheGateway downtown #SLC. They had switched the venue from #InTheVenue to #ClubSound, which was not surprising, but I wish it would have been at the other one regardless of the #Attendance. I wanted to hear them on
a #BiggerStage #BetterSound.
I would always go and check out the #Merch beforehand. It was usually in the corner near the #SideExitEntrance that lead out to the street on the side of the venue. This time though, it was on the backside, near the entrance to the #TwentyOnePlusBar.
Well I was #BrokeAsAJoke so, I just looked for #Entertainment and #Marketing reasons. We stood on #DownStageRight. We had a great view as we could see everything. It was a decent size crowd which made me happy. It was #EverythingAndMore when I heard them play #DevilAlbumLive! I apologize in advance for the pictures. #NotPhotographer #MeNoSmartPhoneAtTheTime #SadDay.
We went to one of my favorite places after the show ... #RedRockBrewing
I more than likely got a #HouseCremeSoda #DailySpecialPizza #iPaidForThisMealForUS #ItWasTheLeastICouldDo. What a #GreatDamnIndieDay
#TO DO? PROBABLY NOT // Maybe Special Edition? //
Here is my Facebook during that time period … It will be in #FlipItBackNReverseItStyle #DontBlameMeBlameFacebook #Entertainment-IshOnly #SorryItsLong #ILoveMusicAsYouSee #I'mVeryGratefulForFacebook #ItsMyDigitalRealLifeShitIWouldNotHaveOtherWiseRemembered #JournalInMyHeadSinceLiquideAirSpawned #KeepOnKeepinOn
Monday, November 3, 2008 at 11:45am MST
Devin Kay Shashi Christensen updated his status.
is going to one of the best "all around" concerts tonight and can't wait!!!
Lydia is one of those amazing #Artists that you could put on and your parents would not have to worry about them. They probably would start tapping their #Feet and #RelievingLife. For me, they are always on my #RoadTripMix. They make you want to feel #Alive #Dreaming, but dreaming In a way that is very #Progressive and wanting to take you to greater things that you have never known, maybe have #Imagined. I know, I do. I believe and #Know that you can do great things, maybe you were in a way #Destined to do it. Who knows but, I love how everything about this band makes me feel alive and real.
It has taken me on some wild journeys as you have read, but I thank them for #Inspiring me to do #Grieve #Vent #Run #TakeAction #RoadTrip #Love #Pain and many more things.
*In The BØØk FØr
Pretext Øf
Music Chapter* ???
You wonder why there are no #Endings, #Conclusions.
It is because ...
::: Music Never Ends :::
My voice did not end where I did in this